Anfang September veranstaltete Disney ein großes Presseevent, bei dem den anwesenden Journalisten eine Arbeitsfassung von Rapunzel vorgeführt wurde. Darüber konntet ihr ja bereits hier und hier nachlesen.
Aber das soll's noch nicht gewesen sein: Diese Nacht stellte die Website Collider den ersten Teil ihres eigenen berichts über das Ereignis online. Hier eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Eckpunkte und Zitate:
- "There will be slight tweaks made here and there, but what I can tell you is that the finished animation was stunning."
- "The human animation is incredibly well done and I am in love with the art direction. As for the story, it takes twists and turns that isn’t predictable [...] fresh, funny, and definitely touching. Additionally, the music had me tapping my toes several times and there is a contemporary feel provided by the legendary Alan Menken."
- "Disney created an entire program to handle the hair animation, and they even created a secondary program for the specific blonde color of Rapunzel’s flowing hair. We were shown some of the problems that arise from animating over 100,000 strands of hair, and how they used 103 reference curves as the basis of what the hair would do when animated. "
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